Monday, July 12, 2010

Things That Make You Go Hmm...

Do you remember The Arsenio Hall show?

With his signature fist pump and trademark, “Let’s Get It On,” Arsenio was the first talk show host to have hip hop artist share a couch with Hollywood heavies and US Presidents. During the 1990's, Hall became iconic in a late night lineup previously ruled by Carson and Letterman.

Originally from Cleveland, OH, Hall joked that he drove each morning from Cleveland to LA to tape the show. This "alleged" drive gave birth to a segment titled, “Things that Make you Go Hmm…” It was a crowd favorite and so wildly popular that the 90s dance group C & C Music Factory wrote a song by the same title. So in honor of my favorite late night show, I’d like to give you my rendition of

Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

1. A few weeks ago, I was driving my son to daycare when I pulled behind a 1994 black Toyota Camry with 30 day tags. On the trunk of the car in gold adhesive letters was the advertisement “Steelz On Grillz… Gold grills starting at $80” You gotta be sh*ting me, right?

So of course I came home and Googled it to see if they had a website. I found this instead…

Note: This is for kids ages 4 and up.

Lawd have mercy! There are a whole lotta grandmomma's turning over in their graves knowing that their grandbabies are running around here trying to say their ABC's with a grill in their mouth. Hmmm...

2. I was on reading an article about a 19 year old kid named Colton who escaped from a juvenile half way house. After his escape, he burglarized a dozen or so homes across several states. He was nicknamed "The Barefoot Bandit" because he preferred to rob with no shoes on. (Or maybe he suffered from bunions?) After realizing police were hot on his  trail, he stole a plane (a cute little Cessna) and flew it to the Bahamas. (Did I mention that he taught himself to fly?!)

Colton has been evading the FBI since 2008 and though dipping out on the secret service is a grueling job, he's still had time to amass 58,000 Facebook friends.

Open Memo to the FBI -- if you had befriended the kid on Facebook you may have caught him two years ago?  Hmmm…

3. On June 14, 2010, the iconic, King of Kings statue that stood in front of Solid Rock Church in Monroe, OH burned to the ground after it was struck by lightning. Reverend Darlene Bishop said at the very least they plan to return the statue to its original stature of 62 ft. But this time, they would make it fireproof. When asked why the decision to rebuild Rev. Darlene said, “It’s such a monument. It’s like people know Monroe by the statue of Jesus.”

Now, I’m going to go ahead and profess that I cannot even begin to know the ways of God. But I don’t think it’s too farfetched to believe he might have a little bit of control over lightning… if he struck it down the first time, then maybe he’s just not a fan.

Reverend Darlene, I don’t have address numbers on my house and people still find it just fine. But if you’re just hell bent on the idea, Ohio grows a lot of corn; maybe you could build a big corn statue for a Monroe landmark instead… Hmmm.


  1. Can you imagine if Arsenio still had his show? With these stories, he'd change the segment name to "What the h&$$?"

    And that statue? Oh yeah, God's way of tidying up. Church statues are supposed to be godly, not gaudy.

    Nicely written as always! I can see this in a professional publication. Hmmm...


  2. I knew a young man with a deck of cards in mouth. While he was smiling, I was playing 21.

    You know, I'd think the Barefoot Bandit could assist BP with the oil spill. Sadly, he will land behind bars, what a waste of talent. But wait! he's smarting than the average bear, so we will simply sit back and wait for the next episode, huh.

    Well Holli, you know God does listen and answer prayers, so next time maybe God will leave the graven image and blast the church. That will show 'em.

    As always, I love your work and I love you too.

