Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Question of the Day?

Which sadistic a** drug company makes Amoxicillin?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me get you up to speed.

Scientific Answer: Amoxicillin is a mild antibiotic made to clear up a wide range of general bacterial infections.

Mommy Answer: It is the devil.

All weekend my two year old son is running fevers ranging from “ooh he’s warm” to “rotisserie-style.” Early Monday morning I am perched at his pediatrician’s door before the office is even unlocked. The poor kid is diagnosed with a double ear infection. The doctor prescribes amoxicillin.

If you’ve never seen amoxicillin, it’s a foul smelling, bubble gum pink liquid that’s got the consistency of Elmer’s glue. I draw up 7mL in a plastic syringe and squirt it in my son’s mouth. First sign of trouble – he doesn’t say a word, just shivers.

“Ugh, that bad huh,” I ask. He doesn’t respond, just walks away.

About 10 minutes later he screams, “MOMMY!! Gotta potty!”

“Go on upstairs, I’m on my way.”

When I get there, the most God awful sounds are coming from his behind and he’s begging Spiderman for help.

So if anyone finds out who makes amoxicillin, you tell them I’m going to kick their (beep)!

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